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“Un bimbo che non gioca, felicità ne ha poca.”
“A child who does not play, has little happiness.”
-Italian saying

In 2017 we found the perfect space for Piccola Italia Preschool (PIP) in our new home on 51 Dix Street!

The whole main floor is devoted to PIP with a cubby area, a bathroom and the kitchen for our meals and messier projects and three separate classrooms:

L’Aula del Bel Cerchio (Circle Time Room); 
L’Aula dell’Arte (Art Room); 
La Biblioteca (Library)
L’Aula Naturale (Outdoor Classroom)

In June of 2020, in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) released new guidelines for family childcares like PIP to reopen. At PIP we reorganized the space to ensure individual stations where children can play, learn, and eat while safely distanced.